Ron Jeffries((@RonJeffries) of on the yahoogroups scrumdevelopment mailing list some time back:
Take a simple example.
The value of a project is attained when the project reaches a
shippable point. If we have two equally valuable projects, A and B,
each requiring six units of work, if we do them serially, it looks
Val VaAnd we get value after six periods and again after 12. If we
interleave the work — and by some miracle that doesn’t slow us
own, it looks like this:ABABABABABAB
___________^^And we get value after 11 periods and then 12. That’s worse.
Looks like a pretty good way to develiver more value faster, and to get out of our own way thanks to incremental development.
[image cred: alandd]
Filed under: Agile, Scrum, Software, XP